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Our Team

Our Leaders

Photo by: Rami Zerenger

Shlomi Asraf – C.E.O

תמונה של ארז סופר

Erez Sofer

Photo by: Shtiner

Anat Arazi-Perry

Legal Counsel
Photo by: Shtiner

Michal Kashti

Director of Human Resources

Moshe Shraibhand

Head of Finance

Avshalom Knimach

Head of ELV & Communication systems

Andrei Tzirkin

Head of Electricity Division
Photo by: Shtiner

Shachar Daniel

Head of Air Conditioning Division
Photo by: Shtiner

Mark Baratz

Head of Plumbing Division

Yaron ben Hebron

Traffic light and traffic control division manager
Photo by: Shtiner

Asher Zino

Development Department Manager
אשר אביטן

Asher Avitan

Manager of the Infrastructure and Lighting Division

Ronen German

Regional Manager

Eitan Zilbershlag

Regional Manager